Somewhat new to golf? Want to learn and understand the workings of golf swing in detail? If so, why not consider this 6 week boot camp specifically designed to get your golf game going in the right direction from the start. The beginning and novice boot camp will walk students through all aspects of the full golf swing, and two sessions will focus on chipping, pitching, sand shots, putting and the scoring game.
Individual Cost: $250 for all 6 sessions
Starting March 24th 2025 @ 1:00PM … Limited to 10 Students ~ 3 to 1 Instructor to Student Ratio
Boot Camp Schedule:
Week #1: Introduction to Rules, Etiquette, Setup and Elements of the Backswing
We’ll begin with some basics first, rules, golf etiquette, pace of play, etc., and then move into the full swing starting with the backswing. The downswing takes less than ½ second to complete. That’s little time to make any swing adjustments. This makes the backswing a very important element of the full swing. In the setup prior to the backswing, we’ll focus on grip, posture, and alignment. We’ll then continue into staying centered and how the legs, shoulders, the body rotate as required prior to transitioning to the downswing.
Week #2: Transition and Weight Shift
A smooth transition from the backswing to the downswing is one of the most difficult moves to master in the golf swing. In this session, drills used in the previous session are coupled with new drills in this session to engrain muscle memory and position your body well for optimum club/ball contact.
Week #3: Contact … The Moment of Truth
In this session we will address ball contact. A good golf swing all comes down to the correct angles when the club head meets the ball. A good deal of time is spent during this clinic on learning those angles and how these angles are best achieved.
Weeks # 4 and 5: The Scoring Game
The short game is also known as the scoring game. It is a game all in itself. In these two sessions, pitching, chipping, and putting are addressed in detail to significantly lower your overall golf scores.
Week #6: Distance and Direction
In this session we’ll review and reinforce what was learned about the full swing in the previous 3 sessions, with more emphasis on increasing distance and getting good direction.
Interested? Click the button below to register or
Contact: Anthony or Zack @ (941) 496-8676 for more details